Collective Worship


Collective Worship at Tritlington School


Collective Worship at Tritlington is an integral part of school life - it is inclusive, invitational and aspires to be inspiring for all, it is underpinned by our school vision to ‘Let your light shine…’

We encourage all members of the school community to do this by looking at themselves, looking out towards others and looking up towards God or something beyond the physical.

We provide opportunities for our 'school family' to worship together. Pupils are encouraged to participate and respond, either actively in the presentation of worship or by listening and joining in the celebration.

While reflecting on how each worship session will help us to achieve this by putting our beliefs into action to create change for ourselves and others.



The Structure of our Collective Worship:


Gathering: we are invited to prepare our hearts and minds to meet with God. We gather together for this special time as a community. Music is played as we enter.

Worship Team: welcome by setting the worship table.

  • We open the Bible and place it on the table as we think about God the Father
  • We take out the cross and place it on the table as we think about God’s son Jesus
  • We take out the candle and light it as we think about God the Holy Spirit

These three things are The Trinity.

Leader: The Lord be with you

Response: and also with you.


Engaging: we engage with the big things and the little things in life, we encounter Jesus and the stories of the Bible, we listen to God’s message and consider how it might apply to our lives.


Reflection and Response: we respond to what we have heard and seen through prayer, silence, stillness and reflection


Prayer: we are given the invitation to worship God in different ways


Sending: We are sent out to love and serve one another and to make a difference in the world, we are all sent out with God’s blessing


Leader: Go in peace to love and serve the lord