Year 4 Information

Mrs Stephenson

Class 2 Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Joint Headteacher

Mrs Elliott

Teaching Assistant (part-time)

Mrs Laidlaw

Teaching Assistant (part-time)

Class 2 is for our Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 children, taught by Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Miller who works part-time one day a week.  They are supported by Teaching Assistants Mrs Elliott and Mrs Laidlaw.  We believe that working as a mixed age class has many benefits. Younger children will learn from their older peers socially, emotionally and academically, and older children rise to the challenge of taking responsibility for their younger peers and acting as good role models. 

Working as a mixed age range class, enables us to be better placed to meet the diverse range of needs and abilities of the children and to support a seamless transition between the next year group. 

Year 4 Curriculum 
Progress Goals 
Our progress goals are the expected outcomes for the end of the Year Two and are taken from the National Curriculum. 
Additional Information
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