Science: Curriculum Posts

The day an Astronomer came to visit Tritlington School 
There was huge excitement when we welcomed a special visitor from Kielder Observatory to school.  Naz Jahanshahi delivered a series of workshops to both classes.  Both classes enjoyed "Investigating Light" which links to the topic of Light in the National Curriculum.  The children were introduced to the concept of different types of light and also investigated light with some hands-on activities using diffraction glasses and an infrared camera.  They also used ultraviolet sensitive beads to make a bracelet which let them know when the ultraviolet light was strong, linking this with how to stay safe in the sun.

Class 1s other workshop was "Space Rocks" and it did!  The children had the opportunity to see the observatory's meteorite collection and learn all about our solar system with genuine pieces of rock from space!

In Class 2 the children enjoyed "The Solar System" workshop by creating a scale model using inflatable planets.  Each planet was discussed in detail to teach the children about its key features and differences to the other planets. Using the inflatable planets enabled the children to think about planet placement and the scale of our star system.  It was fascinating and the children were extremely engaged with the learning. 
The final workshop "Egg Landers" was lots of fun.  The aim was for the children to work together to design and construct a spacecraft that would safely land an egg to the ground - without it cracking or breaking - once dropped from a height.  It was wonderful to see the children working collaboratively as a team to complete the task.
Hatching Chicks! 

What a buzz of excitement and anticipation as we waited 21 days for the chicks to hatch out of the eggs!
This has been a wonderful experience for the children to see something very special. It has brought about some wonderful discussions and problem solving as well as giving us the opportunity to introduce lots of new vocabulary.
The children have been researching the different stages of the chickens life and experiencing it first hand. 
Tritlington children were certainly inspired and touched by this “miracle of life”, staff, pupils and parents seemed to enjoy the opportunity to share in some awe and wonder!
Animals Including Humans - Newborn Lambs
As part of our learning about seasonal changes in Key Stage One, we have been learning about the different animals that are born in Spring. We were lucky enough to have a visit from two lambs who spent the day at Tritlington School. The children had the opportunity to stroke, hold, feed and learn lots about them. 
Animals and their Habitats
We had a fabulous visit from Rockpool School as an enhancement to our science topic animals and their habitats. We learnt lots of new amazing facts about different rockpool creatures - crabs, hermit crabs, starfish, anemones etc.  We love having Rockpool School visit!
Life Cycles - Butterflies
Class 1 had spent time last term learning about life cycles and even grew caterpillars at school.
It was amazing watching them spin webbing and turn into chrysalis, and absolutely enchanting to see them hatch! We released the Painted Lady Butterflies into the local wildlife.
Have you seen them fluttering around Forest School ?
Zoo Lab

The children had an amazing visit from Zoolab, the UK’s number one provider of ethical animal encounters.  The children got up close and personal with a variety of animals shown to them by the extremely knowledgeable presenter.  The theme was habitats and the children gained a wealth of new knowledge. We would like to thank our supportive parents that gave the generous donation that allowed this wonderful experience to take place.
