Our Christian Calendar

Our Christian Calendar

The Liturgical year is separated into seasons

  • Advent 
  • Christmas
  • Epiphany
  • Ordinary Time following the presentation of Christ in the Temple
  • Lent
  • Easter which includes the Vigil and Easter Liturgy
  • Ordinary Time following Pentecost 
In our school we use the liturgical colours to express our Christian Distinctiveness. The liturgical seasons are depicted with coloured material in the Hall. 
Colour  Season Mood When Used
White Joy and Rejoice Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, Ascension, All Saints
Purple Thinking deeply and waiting Advent, Lent
Green A time to grow Ordinary days  (not celebrations)
Red Sad times and certain Joyful times Ordinary days (not celebrations)

On the following website you can find a paragraph explaining each of the areas in the Church of England Liturgical Calendar.
