Our Christian Distinctiveness

Our Christian Distinctiveness
 At Tritlington Church of England School we aim to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith in all its forms, while respecting those of different or no faiths.
Our vision and core values taken from St Matthew 5:14-15, reflect our Christian origins and are intrinsic to the educational experience we offer to all pupils:
 “You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see."
We want our pupils to flourish, thrive and excel, so that their lives make a positive and precious difference - in their classrooms, throughout the school, in their homes and their communities.
Our goal is to prepare our children to make their own, unique contribution to a diverse society and be confident, happy citizens.
Our vision guides us in all that we aspire to be, enabling every part of our community to grow and develop.
Our life together is shaped by six core values: 
Love, Compassion, Perseverance, Friendship, Courage, Trust 
 Our values flow from Christ's life and teaching and are at the heart of everything that we do.  They guide us, ground us and bind us.
Therefore every family from across our community, including those of different faiths and no faith, are welcomed at Tritlington Church of England School.
By listening to the teachings of Jesus, by following the example of Jesus, by living out our values and letting them shape all that we do, we say to every member of our community:
 Let your light shine!
It was wonderful to see so many families at Hebron Church for our annual Christingle service. Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope at this time of year. Thank you to Reverend Elaine and Janice for leading the service and to Janet for playing the organ. 
Our school brought the true spirit of Christmas to life with Children of the World, a beautiful nativity play where angels guide children from across the globe to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Each group of children shared the unique traditions from their chosen country, reminding us of the many ways different families and different countries celebrate this holy time. At the same time, remembering we are all united by the birth of the one same child.
From colourful dances to heartfelt songs, the children let their lights shine so brightly, filling the room with hope, love, and peace. It was a lovely display of unity and faith that touched everyone in the audience.
A big thank you to our incredible children and all the teachers and TA’s for creating such a meaningful celebration. Together, we showed that the light of Christ shines in every corner of the world!
The children spent an afternoon with Rev Elaine fully immersed in the story of the first Christmas. They discussed and reflected on which values the people present at the birth of Jesus would have needed - hope, trust, belief and teamwork - and how important and relevant these are to our lives today more than 2000 years later. Thank you Rev Elaine for such a thought-provoking afternoon.
We enjoyed a lovely well attended Harvest service in Tritlington School. It was a wonderful occasion to celebrate Harvest and give thanks with our families and church family.
The children were all fabulous and gave a great performance, saying their lines expressively and singing with full hearts as they gave thanks for Harvest.
Many thanks for the generous food contributions, the Wansbeck Valley Food Bank will be in school tomorrow to take the produce to support local families.
For more information about the Wansbeck Valley Foodbank please do visit their FB page or website https://wansbeckvalleyfoodbank.org/